Sunday, September 30, 2012

Just some general stuff...

So once again my family is pestering me to write a blog post (yes, you know who you are), so here we go. It's been just over one month, and so everything is falling into a routine. I started field hockey, I don't know if I already mentioned that. It's been going well, it's at a club a little ways away and we practice twice a week and have a game on the weekend. So far I've only been to two practices because I've been sick, but more details on that to come. It's really fun though, it's a nice way to meet some new people and get exercise. I started because another exchange student mentioned it, so we are doing it together. And being the two foreign girls that people assume don't speak Spanish, we miss out on a lot of the news, like games being cancelled. So we arrive at the field only to see nobody but our taxi driving away. And an example of Argentine lifestyle: we arrived at a 9:15pm practice at 9:00. And it was pitch black. Nobody was there, no lights were on, the building was dark... so we sat on the bench for a minute and then decided we might as well run a few laps just to say we did something, and then we would call a taxi or try to walk the 3 mile walk home. And so we ran, and as we were leaving the field (9:17ish) another team mate got there, and turned on the lights, and before long everyone was there. I guess getting to things early isn't really a thing here.
So I also got sick this past week, starting on Saturday. Your classic cough, fever, sore throat (I really need to remember how to spell throat, I've been having issues with that word). It was pretty bad on Saturday, which meant I missed out on going to a quinceaƱera, and I was home sick through Wednesday. So it was pretty boring, just sitting on my bed reading or on the computer. I was grateful to go to school on Thursday. I went to the doctor on Monday. I never intended on going, but I was with the other USA girl, who was also sick, so we went together with her family. Because it was a holiday, all of the public places were closed, so we went to the nearest private clinic, which happened to be a maternity clinic. So we got some looks. But oh well. We got some medicine and now it's a week later and I feel much better, although I still have a cough.
And as far as my birthday goes.Wednesday, my birthday, I went out with the exchange students and some volunteers for hot dogs (pretty deluxe hot dogs), then Friday I celebrated with my host family, seeing as it was my host father and my birthday that week. There were about forty people there that night for dinner, dancing, and a really sweet video that my host family made with clips from my family and classmates.
Besides that, life is pretty normal. Everything has settled into a routine, and every day I can tell that my Spanish is getting better!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dyl. Always delighted to get a new report. Sounds like you are settling in nicely. I am glad your package has arrived. Don't forget to give me a list for the next package.
