Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas in Argentina... and a bunch of other stuff

So after being notified multiple times that I am an awful person for saying I would write about Christmas and my report card and a whole bunch of things and then disappearing, I am finally going to write the holidays post.
Here they celebrate Christmas differently. The whole family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second nieces twice removed who knows what) get together on Christmas Eve for a big dinner. Asado. And they stay up until midnight, toast, and then open presents. There are no cookies for Santa Claus and no waking up at 5:30 Christmas morning to go open gifts... here they stay up, until about 5:30 in the morning, then sleeeeeeeep all day. Except in my case.
I went to the big dinner with my family, then afterwards, around 1:30am went with my friend Miya (from Japan) to the house of our exchange director because Christmas is her birthday. We stayed there for awhile, and then went to some "awesome Christmas party" which wasn´t anything interesting, so we went to my house. At that point, it was around 5:30am, so we thought we would have some breakfast... but here´s the thing. I had the key to the house, so I could get it... but the door that goes to my room and the kitchen was locked... so that meant no breakfast, and no bed. Which meant that my friends left and I slept in the hallway... in a dress... on Christmas... until the rest of the world woke up at noon. But all in all, Christmas was nice.
Next comes my report card. I passed all my classes except for electrical engineering, which I knew I wasn´t going to pass, seeing as I had no netbook and nearly all the class is on the computer, and I also only passed 2 of who knows how many exams. And believe it or not, those two exams were the very first ones and I didn´t even know we were going to have exams those days. Haha. Math, I barely passed... I don´t know how that worked out, because I got the equivalent of a D when I got 100% on every exam and did all of the homework... hmmmm. But all in all, I´m pretty satisfied. I did best in Chemistry and Physics, and pretty well in Geography and History, and decent in all the others. I still don´t know what credit I will get.
And next comes New Years. New Years is celebrated pretty much like Christmas. Big dinner, toast at midnight, then all go off to their separate parties with friends. The whole family gathered at my house, and after that I went with a few exchange students to get together at the French student´s house. We stayed there until it started to rain, around 6am, then headed off to our houses. Something different is that here, they shoot fireworks for New Years and Christmas, though they´re not big fireworks, just ones that people buy to shoot themselves. In the US we pretty much only have fireworks for July 4th.
And more news: the exchange students that arrived in February and the one that arrived in August for the semester program left on January 13th, five students in total. I wasn´t in Formosa on the 13th to go to the terminal, but I was here when Miya left one week early (headed to BA for a week). Everybody went to the terminal, all the exchange students, all her family and friends... I´m sad I missed the other departure, but I was traveling in Cordoba. That will be explained in another post (but no promises on when that is coming... could be in five minutes or five weeks). Four new exchange students come near the end of February.
And that´s it for this post. I know it was kind of choppy, but oh well. Comment on my blog if there´s any specific things you would like me to write about or if there´s any questions you have, or just to say hello.

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